Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Birthday Fairies!!!!

So my birthday is this weekend and to "celebrate" I am creating a few lines of "birthday figurines" to commemorate your little ones' birthdays! 

This first line up will be the birthday fairies! Each line will consist of 6 different figurines starting from baby through age 5. 

Here is the very first figurine to the set.

 A little baby sleeping in a rose with a platform glittered in glass beads. Fine mohair on her head with a little class bead tiara. Each figurine will be OOAK and hand sculpted individually.

Soon there will be 5 more figurines to go with the set to follow. As of right now there are three main colors that will be offered for the sets. Pink, lilac/purple, and orange. If you have any other requests for flower/main colors please let me know and I may add them to the possible choices.

Each figurine will be purchased separately and please allow around 4 weeks for delivery. 

There will also be a set of boy figurines too that I am still designing! So hang tight mamas to the boys!

There will also be an introductory price for the figurines as they are debuted. I will let you know on Facebook and my website when they are and what the introductory prices will be!

Please keep in mind that these ARE NOT TOYS. They are simply collective keepsakes for you and your little ones to cherish. Depending on demand and popularity, there may be more pieces to each set offered at a later time, but as of right now each set will consist of ages baby through 5 years old.

Please let me know if you have any questions! 


Mamas A. Moose

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